Homemade Miracle Oil Mix (Nails/Hand/Body)

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Ever since I  learnt about the amount of chemicals that have been added to skincare, I've been on the search for the healthier option. And this lead me to making my own. After the success of making my makeup remover, I got more confident and started experimenting with more things. After a couple of experiments, I got what I call The Miracle Oil Mix. I started giving this to friends and family this oil mix cos I love it so much, and I'm glad they love it too.

I call this The Miracle Oil Mix for its extremely moisturizing properties. I especially love how it restores my skin after it has been "tortured" after housework. I have not totally changed all the household products in my house, so there's still a couple of harsh detergents lying around the house, such as the dishwasher. Trying to finish it up before making my own (yes, the frugal part of me decides to continue using than to waste). I'm not sure about you, but my hands always feel super dry and uncomfortable (because of the dryness) after all that washing and scrubbing. Most moisturizers doesn't work that well for me. I've tried l'occitane, crabtree and evelyn, bodyshop and other brands but they just don't quite make it. My hands still feels dry after application. 

This oil mix is the only thing so far that makes my hands feels super moisturized and good. I love it! Hence I termed it the Miracle Oil Mix. I used this like a "intensive serum", when I feel my hands or body needs that extra boost of moisture/hydration and it always work. 1 drop allows me to moistruize my hands, fingers, and I took the chance to give my hands a simple hand massage, and even use it as a cuticle oil, rubbing it to my cuticles. I used to have dry/cracked cuticles, but they look pretty happy now ever since I started on this oil mix. When my body feels dry, I massage it on my skin.

1 thing though. I have to be honest. It does take a little time to be absorbed so you'll have oily hands/fingers/body for a while, say 5  mins? It doesn't bother me, but in case it bothers you, this is a disclaimer.

When I use it on my body, especially my elbows and stuffs, this oil mix works like a perfume too. I've added some essential oil to it which smells really heavenly, and works as a natural perfume that doesn't give one a headache. Sure, it's not really lasting, but its ok! I can always reapply! :)

Essential Oil (I used Lavender, but you can add any essential oil of your choice)

The proportion I used is 30% Coconut oil, 30% Olive oil, 20% Jojoba oil, 20% almond oil, and about 15 - 20 drops of essential oil (if you want stronger smell, add more).

If you need to know in terms of number of drops, just change % to drops. This is not a fixed formula. This is the formula that works for me, but feel free to experiment and tweak the proportions a little. Don't worry. It's not going to explode or something, so have some fun! :)


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