Nicolas Tse - Wise Words from my Teen Idol

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Growing up, I never really have idols, nor have I done crazy things like chasing after idols, or waiting for them at airports waving a signboards or whatever. I do have a couple celebrities that I really like or admire and that's it. One of them is Nicolas Tse. Well, I like him then cos he's kinda cute. but now, I really admire who he has become today; not only a man with a pretty face, but a successful business man as well.

saw this on some website listed as quotes from him, regardless if they are truly his  quotes, the following are some wise words. My attempt to translate them into english below:

1、人在的时候 ,以为来日方长什么都有机会, 其实人生是减法, 见一面,少一面。 
When people are around, we always think there's plenty of opportunities in future. The truth is, every day is a day gone.

2、别人怎么看你, 和你毫无关系, 你要怎么活 ,也和别人毫无关系。
How people see you is none of your business. How you live your life, is also none of their business.

How much does face value worth? Why do we need to care about what others think?

One day, you'll understand. It's more difficult to be kind than to be smart. Smart is something you're born with. Kindness is a choice.

Not hearing from someone doesn't mean you're forgotten, but it definitely means you've grown apart. When you've been in silence for too long, even being proactiveness takes courage.

6、不要在心情糟烂差的时候, 用决绝的话伤害爱你的人。
When you're in a bad mood, don't say things that will harm people you love.

Sometimes, there's no next time, there's no try again, there's no pause to start. Sometimes, once it's gone, it's gone forever.

Use a willingness attitude, to live a let it be life.

all your problems are YOUR problems.

Sometimes, we've already forgiven someone, but aint able to be happy. that's because we've forgotten to forgive ourselves.

There's life and death. but as long as you're alive, live it to your fullest. there can be no love, no branded goods, but you must have happiness.

in fact, people are cheap. those who love and pamper you, you treat them like dirt. those we ignore you, you longed and chased after, ending up with wounds all over.

13、不要的东西, 再好也是垃圾。
things you don't want, regardless how good it is, is still rubbish.

14、如果你没瞎, 就别用耳朵去了解我。
if you're not blind, don't use your ears to understand me.

it doesn't matter how many people you know, but how many people who still knows you when you're in trouble.

16、那些不需要解释的事情, 从你张嘴那一刻起 ,你已经输了。
for all the things that needs no explanation, once you open your mouth, you've lost.

alot of people enters your life to give you a lesson, then turn to leave.


worries of life: can't let go, can't forget.

a woman with no charm thinks men are flirty. men with no abilities thinks women are realistic.

slowly, as you grow up, you become more quiet. you're wiser now, but not happy.

not strangers, but more distance than strangers.

apologize to yourself, for failing to learn to love yourself all these years.

it's only when you care when you start to think of things. when you don't care, you won't even bother to think.


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