How Toxic Are You?

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Have you ever wonder how much toxic we are creating and exposing overselves to everyday? The food we eat, detergents & household products, make-up, skincare, a hectic and stressful lifestyle, late nights, irregular meals, fast & processed food, lack of exercise all adds on a huge burden to our body. I'm sure many of you have seen in ancient dynasty dramas where they use a silver needle to test if a food contains poison. I wonder what will happen if we piece a silver needle into our skin. Will it turn black too?

Here's a simple quiz to find out how toxic you are:

  1. Do you have enough sleep everyday (6-9 hours), and wake up feeling full of life, with glowing radiant skin?
  2. Do you pass your bowels everyday?
  3. Do you drink enough water everyday?
  4. Do you never hold your pee?
  5. Do you have sufficient fruits and vegetables everyday?
  6. Do you have healthy gums (gums that rarely bleed)?
  7. Do you smell fresh and nice everyday (no breathe and/or body odor)?
If your answer to more than 50% of the above questions are "NO", you are probably very toxic. These toxic can appear in the form of constipation, dull skin, pimples that just won't go away, bad breath, bleeding gum, bloodshot eyes, dark/yellow teeth, belly fat etc. These toxic, if left unattended, can speed up aging as well as cause serious harm to your health and body.

I'm sure many of us have experience those times where we are so mega busy and stress(maybe there's a major project, some big event, or even *gasp* planning for your own wedding), that we have no time to sleep, we take our meals irregularly or just pinch on any junk & snacks, fast food we can find. These are also usually the time where you are not drinking enough water(or worse, not only are not drinking enough water, you are drinking coffee/tea/soft-drinks/wine/beer/liquor etc.), not eating enough vegetables & fruits. Often, you'll find yourself looking tired/haggard, pimples popping out etc. These are ways your body is telling you: You need to detox.

Stay with me, as I share my discoveries of ways and things we can introduce to our live to create a notox living (No-Toxic Living). :)


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