How to defrost meat

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How do you usually defrost your frozen food? One of the most common ways, is to leave it out in room temperature, and come back again in a few hours.  Today, many of us may leave the frozen meat in room temperature to thaw, go to work, so that when we come back, we have a de-frosted meat ready to cook.

Do you know, when we leave a frozen meat to thaw in room temperature, bacteria will start growing within 4 hours? If we leave it in the open for more than 4 hours, we shouldn't be eating the meat anymore since it's full of harmful bacteria that is bad for the body.

Here's some common ways to defrost, and how long it takes for bacteria to start growing:

1. Fridge
Taking the frozen meat from the freezer and leave it in the fridge. The meat usually requires around 10 - 12 hours to deftost. Bacteria starts growing about 1 - 2 days later.This is one of my preferred method

2. Soak it in water
Requires 2 hours to defrost. Bacteria starts growing 4 hours later

3. Microwave
Needs around 30 mins or less. Bacteria grows immediately after. Needs to cook immediately. This is one of my most unpreferred method, because the meat usually tend to cook on the outside during the thawing process but the inner part is still raw.

4. Room Temperature
Takes 5 - 6 hours to defrost, but bacteria starts growing in around 4 hours.

5. Using 2 metal pots <Very useful for fast thawing)
I saw this method online and this has become my favourite method, especially if I need it in a hurry. It's very simple. I use 2 frying pans or pots, but I believe any metal should work since we are using the logic of metal heat transfer. Put the piece of frozen meat between the 2 metal pots, and come back in around 30 mins. It's fast and easy!

Do you have any tips to share? Leave a note below! :)


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